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Sunday, October 27, 2013

I've Moved

Saturday, January 26, 2013

5 minute Chocolate Cake

Ever had those late night chocolate cravings? Well I have the perfect recipe for you! This no fuss chocolate cake will surely satisfy any sweet tooth...and its so easy to make! All you need is a mug and a microwave. Yes I know you heard of those microwave coffe mug cakes (and none of them ever seem to turn out well), but after a lot of trial and testing, I have finally found the ONE! So grab a big mug and treat yourself to this!

Caution: Measure this to the T or the cake wont work for you

4tbsp flour
4tbsp sugar
1tbsp cocoa powder
2tbsp (beaten) egg
3tbsp milk
3tbsp oil

Mix all ingredients together starting with the dry and then moving on to the wet ingredients last. Microwave for 3minutes or till cake rises completely. Serve with some ice cream.

Note: 1 egg is too much, 1 egg white is too eggy, 1 yolk is too dense, but 2 tblsp is just right!

Tip: For a fudgier version, omit the egg altogether. Add a splash of Vanilla or any liqueur for a dash of flavour and some nuts for some crunch. 

Half bake the cake if you want it gooey and oozey like te pic above^